BracketEars® Non-Profit Partners

 Grow Your Business with BracketEars®

Partner with BracketEars® to raise funds and awareness.

BracketEars® creates colorful and fun jewelry to help support worthy causes. Our mission is to make a difference. It is why this company was founded.

We work with organizations large and small, local and national.

We can customize our jewelry at little or no cost. Organizations, especially schools and teams, often ask us to customize bracelets in their school’s or team’s colors . We also customize charms, we can create designs with your organization’s logo or mascot or for special events.

Bracket Ears

10380 Old Columbia Road, Suite 102,
Columbia, MD 21046

Phone: 410.381.1477

fax 410.381.7960

To learn more about how you can partner with BracketEars® to raise dollars and awareness for your organization, we’d love to hear from you. Contact or call 410.381.1477.

Get in Touch

Call 410.381.1477
Fax 410.381.7960 

10380 Old Columbia Road, Suite 102,
Columbia, MD 21046 USA

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