BracketEars® for Orthodontists

Benefits of BracketEars®

  • Unique Way to Set Your Practice Apart
  • Generate Word of Mouth Referrals
  • Promotes In-Office Camaraderie
  • Potential to Enhance Compliance
  • Creates a Special Bond with Patient and Parent
  • Strengthens Relationships with Patients and Families

Market your practice more effectively with custom designed jewelry

Your practice image is one of the most important parts of your success. At BracketEars you can offer patients a way to show off your logo and personalize their orthodontic experience with this orthodontic oriented jewelry. Not only can they choose their own school colors and mascots, but you can offer Budz with your logo which they can wear to school or around town.

When you’re ready to take your practice to a new level with personalized jewelry, BracketEars is the choice.

“BracketEars offer a unique, appealing and exceptional image for your practice.
The return on investment is nearly immediate!”

Dr. Gerry Samson,

Pediatric Dentist and Orthodontist (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

Get in Touch

Call 410.381.1477
Fax 410.381.7960 

10380 Old Columbia Road, Suite 102,
Columbia, MD 21046 USA

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