Frequently Asked Questions about BracketEars®

Why BracketEars?

Just another cool way to make a fashion statement and join the fight against Autism.

Why were they developed?

Because most young girls love the idea of mixing and matching the colors of their earrings to their outfits.

Who developed the idea?

A dentist and his daughters developed the idea.

Who receives the earrings?

Any patient starting Orthodontic treatment can receive a pair as part of their treatment.

How can I get more colors?

Multi-color packs are available at

Which patients seem most interested in the earrings?

The 8-13 year old patients seem to be most intrigued with the idea. Although, we have had older patients and adults who have enthusiastically endorsed the product.

Is the idea patented?

Yes the product is patented in both the US and in China.

US Patents D660,743S 8,683.862 D715,686S

What are they made of?

Hypo-allergenic surgical steel.

What are the different colored ties made from?

Non-latex plastic. The same quality ligature tie used on your braces.

Do you have any additional products other than earrings?

Of course, we are currently working on expanding the line with Bracelets. They include bracelets and charms

Get in Touch

Call 410.381.1477
Fax 410.381.7960 

10380 Old Columbia Road, Suite 102,
Columbia, MD 21046 USA

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