Thank you Dental Products Report Magazine!
Bracket Ears featured as “Promotional Product To Watch” for 2019!

Giving back to our community and our world
Launched in 2013 at American Association of Orthodontics conference where 3,000 pairs of BracketEars Classics were sold, BracketEarshas gone global and its colorful bracelets, earrings and whimsical charms are sold throughout the US and abroad. BracketEars works with dentists, vendors and non profits as well as selling directly to consumers. Since its inception, BracketEars has raised $1000s for Autism and other causes.
Jewelry Made for Girls, Boys and Adult patients.
Kids and adults love to express their personality with individualized jewelry. These unique pieces can be customized to your practice logo and given as gifts to any patient.
Our Products
We offer earrings, bracelets, whimsical charms, and more to help you grow your practice. New this year, we offer customized earrings and bracelets for your practice. Your staff and patients will love these earrings and bracelets. Better than other promotional products that are one use only, they are worn outside your practice and help to spread the word. These customized pieces make branding your practice easier than ever before.
Get in Touch
Call 410.381.1477
Fax 410.381.7960
10380 Old Columbia Road, Suite 102
Columbia, MD 21046 USA
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